What is a domestic household water booster pump?

What is a domestic household water booster pump?

22nd Jun 2019

A domestic household water booster pump is simply a pump system that increases water pressure and flow rate in your home. These are small, modern pumping systems that are an easy one-day install and will make a difference every time you need water.

Many of us take the water pressure in our homes for granted. We assume that when we turn on a tap we will get  strong pressure with full flow of water. But this isn’t true in every home — and if your house suffers from low water pressure, you’ll definitely notice the difference. Low water pressure means less flow rate at any tap and it affects how long it takes to do anything involving water. This is when you may consider having a domestic household water booster pump installed.

Some of the problems that may call for a water booster pump include:

  • Takes too long to fill the tub. Low flow rate means that filling the tub can take five to ten minutes or more, even for a shallow bath for an infant. This also affects water temperature, as water has cooled by the time the tub is full.

  • No shower pressure. Who wants to shower under a trickle? This is almost always a pressure problem.

  • Not getting good laundry results. Laundry machines need to fill with water to do their job. Low flow rate could mean it takes longer to do a load or that the laundry machine doesn’t even do a good job of cleaning and rinsing clothing.

  • Hard to water the lawn. The best spray nozzle in the world will not help with low water pressure. If the hose just puts out a trickle, covering even a small flower bed can take twenty minutes. Watering the whole lawn is endless.

  • Cannot rinse dishes. Filling the sink will take longer, and holding dishes under running water becomes a chore.

  • A domestic household water booster pump changes this. Having one fitted makes your  water lines becomes highly pressurized, providing you with a standing supply of high-pressure water. Household booster pumps come in a variety of models and sizes, depending on your application.